Antoine Smith

Stopping the run

A Talk by Antoine Smith (Defensive Line, Colorado State)

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January 15, 2021, 09:00 PM

09:00 PM - 10:00 PM

About The Speakers

Antoine Smith

Antoine Smith

Defensive Line, Colorado State

Antoine Smith was named Colorado State’s defensive line coach as part of Steve Addazio’s initial coaching staff in January 2020. Smith comes to Fort Collins after two seasons as the defensive tackles coach for Addazio at Boston College. A veteran of the profession with nearly 20 years coaching the defensive line, Smith developed Ray Smith into an All-Atlantic Coast Conference performer in 2018. Following the season, Smith landed a free agent contract with the Detroit Lions. In 2019, the Eagles finished No. 4 in the ACC in tackles for loss with 101 with a pair of Smith’s tackles, Tanner Karafa and T.J. Rayam, finishing tied for 3rd on the team with 6.5 each.